When you buy patio furniture, you could expect the cushions to have more durable materials than the ones on indoor furniture. However, you still need to know how to store patio cushions properly. While these cushions might be durable, they still face risks like mildew, mold, discoloration, and other damages from elements.

Storing cushions also need a specific method to protect them from rodents, dust, and indoor humidity. Follow this guide to keep your patio cushions in the best condition when you store them.

How to Wash Patio Cushions before Storing

You must wash and dry patio cushions before storing them for a long time. Washing keeps dust, dirt, bacteria, and trapped moisture from ruining your cushions in the storage. Here is how to do it:

A. Remove and Clean the Cushions

Remove all the cushions from the furniture and clean them from dust, dirt, dry leaves, and other particles. You can use a vacuum cleaner for better cleaning results.

B. Wash the Cushions

Mix mild dish soap with warm water and scrub the cushions with a brush that has gentle bristles. You can lay down the cushions on a clean surface and pour the soap mixture before brushing them. If the cushions have stains that are difficult to remove, let the soap water on them for 15 to 20 minutes before brushing.

C. Rinse Cushions Properly

Make sure you get rid of all the soap water by rinsing. If you have enough space to do it, use your garden hose to quickly rinse the cushions. Avoid using a power washer to prevent damage and discoloration.

D. Let the Cushions Dry Naturally

If possible, dry the cushions on the spot where they get exposed to natural light. You can aid the drying process with a fan. Make sure every corner and side of the cushions are dry before you store them. Any remaining moisture will cause mold and mildew, especially when you store the cushions in enclosed space.

What to Use to Store Cushions

Cover your cushions or store them safely in something to protect them. Here are several easy ideas of how to store patio cushions.

1. Blankets

Have old blankets or similar large fabric? Warp your cushions in them and make sure all surfaces are covered. Make sure the blankets themselves are dry, clean, and free of mold, mildew, and dust.

2. Tarps

Similar to blankets, tarps can be great solutions for wrapping and storing patio cushions. If your tarps are big enough, you can store several cushions in one.

3. Plastic Bags

Large plastic bags, such as heavy-duty garbage bags, are other easy solutions for storing cushions. Depending on the cushion size, one bag can usually store two or three. 

4. Plastic Containers with Lids

Plastic containers with lids offer enough protection for your cushions. Plus, they are available everywhere and in various sizes. Choose the ones with airtight lids if you want extra protection for your cushions. However, airtight lids are not a good idea if you live in an area with high humidity. Trapped moisture might destroy your cushions from the inside.

5. Breathable Fabric Bags

If airtight containers are impossible solutions, you can use fabric bags. Many fabric bags have breathable materials that allow good circulation for your cushions.

6. Weatherproof Storage Boxes

If you want to store cushions in a garage, but unsure about the elements, you can invest in weatherproof storage boxes. They might be a bit pricey, but you will appreciate their qualities if you have precious, expensive, and beautiful cushions.

7. Storage Bench

Storage bench is a great solution for small spaces. You can keep your cushions in it safely even though the bench is placed outside. Just make sure that the bench is shaded and relatively protected from rain and snow. Make sure that it does not get any splashes when harsh rain and storms come.

8. Waterproof Ziploc Bags

Large Ziploc bags are great for protecting your cushions from moisture. Ziploc bags come in various sizes, including heavy-duty large bags. The seals allow better protection for your cushions compared to regular plastic bags.

Ideal Characteristics of Cushion Storage Area

Once you place your cushions in proper spaces, make sure to keep them in an ideal storage area. It can be anywhere from inside your house to the garage. However, an ideal storage area should have several characteristics.

Make sure the area is warm, without any access for moisture, snow, and other elements. However, it must have a proper ventilation to allow fresh air in. These conditions will reduce the risks of mold, mildew, and rodents from damaging your cushions.

If possible, place your cushion storage off the ground. Place them on shelves or on top of other large objects. Placing them on the ground risks moisture damage, dust, and rodents from gaining access to your precious cushions.

Post-storage Tips: Waterproofing Your Cushions

Now, what if you want to return your cushions to the furniture?

Once you get them out of the storage space, check if there are moisture, mold, mildew, rodent bites or droppings, and other unusual marks. Make sure you fluff and dust them properly before starting the waterproofing process.

As the name suggests, waterproofing protects your cushion from effects of rain, humidity, and other moisture. You can find waterproofing spray at many furniture stores. Once you get the spray, here are the steps to waterproof the cushions:

A. Spray Properly

Spray the waterproofing solution onto the (clean) cushions. Make sure to cover the entire surface of the cushion, but avoid soaking it. Keep the spray mouth within eight inches of distance while you are spraying.

B. Dry the Cushions

Let the sprayed cushions dry naturally, at least for 24 hours. Keep it in a well-ventilated space.

C. Test the Spray

Once the cushions are completely dry, test the spray. Splash some water onto the surface to see the spray’s effect. Your cushions are ready to be put back on the patio furniture!

Now that you know how to store patio cushions, make sure your furniture’s quality matches them. Teakwood furniture offers beauty and durability against the elements. Get your teak outdoor sofa now and start decorating your patio with high-quality furniture.